It is the most beautiful September morning and Spitting Pig Hertfordshire are in Kimpton today to provide a hog roast at Pool House.
Kimpton is a little village tucked away in the countryside and is a hot spot for Spitting Pig Hertfordshire…. We seem to spend many a night roasting hogs and lambs for parties, weddings and gatherings of one kind or another.
Today’s event is to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the village lido….. Pool House is a privately owned house and is the only privately owned lido in the country. The pool at the top of the garden is open to the public and the garden has many activities including table tennis, badminton and croquet. Mary, who recently bought the house, has taken on the tradition of keeping the pool and garden open to the public and I can only say it is just lovely and I hope it remains a public lido for many years to come. It certainly is an ideal place to take the children for a relaxing afternoon.

You do not see many out door pools these days, and this place is amazing!! It is like going back in time. The pool Has a fifties feel to it with white brick walls around the pool area draped with ivy and shrubs and the outside changing rooms along the sides of the pool with simple curtains to hide behind while getting changed. There is a nice little patio area which has tables and chairs and sun beds and to top things off, there is a small café where you can buy drinks and snacks.
I have not seen any thing like this since living in Germany twenty five years ago and it brought back fond memories of my younger days when we used to spend the whole day at the out door pool and enjoy sweets and drinks from the tuck shop.
We had to be up at five o’clock this morning to load up the thing van and be cooking for six. Although it was a bit chilly first, once the sun came out the garden was a sun trap and hog roast Kimpton was glad of a bit of shade from our catering marquee.
Before the hog roast Kimpton they had a swimming gala in the pool. As well as a few serious races there were fun races as well and I could hear the laughing and cheering from where I was cooking the hog roast.
The hungry swimmers collected their winning medals and they then headed down the garden for the hog roast. The day was a lot more popular than Mary was expecting…. I would say there was about 120 people there on the day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the hog roast with crispy crackling.
We are actually back @kimptonpoolclub house next weekend for another hog roast Kimpton. We will be supplying our DIY hog roast next time for the RLSS – Royal Life Saving Society.