Flaming July and what a summer it is! Roasting hot and really the last thing you want to do is cook the is where hog roast come in professional hog roasters for all occasions big or small and distance no object we travel far and wide and have hundreds of satisfied customers. Sunday we were catering for just a small gathering a dinner party for 50 and we do enjoy a small gathering, as they are so formal and we get to know all really well a nice dinner we were making with some lovely legs of lamb perfect summer meat, creamed parsley mash and peas and sweet corn yummy! And for dessert summer fruit trifle with clotted cream a perfect dessert for a perfect day! We arrived looking ever so smart with our freshly washed and ironed uniforms as we do for all events the tables were placed in a circle so everyone could see and natter with each other when all the guests were seated our chef at Hog Roast Hire then started to sharpen his knives and carve the meat everyone clapped and cheered as he really did do a good job and was ever so impressive! Now the good part the eating we love to watch the guests as they taste hog roasted meat for the very first time and their faces say it all you really cannot describe the incredible taste of the meat in a few words delicious and scrummy! After dinner he guests enjoyed some coffee and mints and reflected on the food we had questions fired at us from all directions our chef who knows everything there is to know about hog roasting gave a history lesson to all about how it all began with the cave men you could have heard a pin drop all were so interested and he really is a credit to us and to be honest we couldn’t do without him he is such a gem but we don’t tell him too often as we don’t want his head to swell we’d rather just keep it quiet but he knows we think the world of him!